A Tinnitus Remedy Just Using My Thumb and Middle Finger?

What? A tinnitus remedy with only my thumb and middle finger? Yes, but in reality, it's a technique to help lower stress, one of the underlying causes of tinnitus. If you can eliminate stress, you can help relieve tinnitus: thus a tinnitus remedy. Here, you'll learn how to apply this special technique to help relieve your tinnitus.

Stress and Tinnitus

One of the common causes of tinnitus is stress / anxiety. And one of the reasons for being in a stressed or anxious state is that your central nervous system has triggered a 'fight or flight' situation, a 'red alert'.

This is a natural primeval state in which your senses are heightened, so that you can react very quickly to danger. In modern life though, this can happen when there is no physical danger, but when there is a 'perceived' problem. This could be a simple as constantly worrying about work, bills, family, etc.

In this heightened state, all your senses, including your hearing, become extremely sensitive. So that as well as hearing external sounds you may 'hear' sounds from inside your head and body. In other words, your hearing is too sensitive. The sounds you hear we say are the symptoms of tinnitus. You need to find a way to let go, relax and so 'desensitise' your hearing back to normal.

The Technique as a Natural Tinnitus Remedy

Sit comfortably in a room on your own, or even lie down in bed. There should be no distractions. Close your eyes and relax using controlled breathing.

Now think of a very happy, but relaxing, situation in your past: one where you were completely relaxed, happy, content and calm. Keep re-living the moment and at the same time press your thumb and middle finger of your hand together and hold for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise several times. You can even repeat daily.

Now next time you feel stress or anxiety coming on, just press the same thumb and middle finger together. The association of the calm you visualised with the physical act should reduce or prevent the stress from accumulating and so help reduce your tinnitus. It may take several practices to get it right.

Other Causes of Tinnitus

This technique helps where tinnitus is caused by stress or anxiety. But there are various other causes such as, inner ear / auditory nerve damage, noise-damaged hearing, head trauma, whiplash, meniere's disease, otosclerosis, blocked eustachian tube, hypertension, and allergies, etc.

Typical Mainstream Tinnitus Remedies

Mainstream treatments using drugs, hearing aids, tinnitus audio maskers, biofeedback, counselling, etc., tend to address the problem by masking the symptoms or teaching you how to cope with your tinnitus. That's why the vast majority of tinnitus victims (93%) never get relief. And that's why more and more sufferers are now using natural tinnitus remedies.

Natural Tinnitus Remedies

By their very nature, natural remedies for tinnitus don't use drugs. They are based on things like dietary changes, lifestyle changes, natural supplements, herbs, special exercises and techniques. They are generally aimed at addressing the underlying causes, not just the symptoms. Researching and trying out these different solutions to find the tinnitus remedy that fits your needs could be well worth the time invested.

11 Techniques to Cure Tinnitus

Luckily there's one tinnitus (cured) sufferer who has already gone through this whole process. It took over 2 years of research, testing and development, but, the outcome is a proven alternative treatment for tinnitus with a 80% success rate (compare that with the 93% who don't get relief using traditional methods) and very many satisfied ex-tinnitus victims worldwide.

At its heart is a series of 11 secret techniques to stop the ringing. And the beauty for folks like yourself who just want to get their life back on track fast, is you just download them straight to your computer.

Now, if you are certain you can go along with your tinnitus as it is just now, then it probably isn't so bad that you need to do anything else. Just continue with whatever your doctor recommends.

But if your symptoms are driving you crazy and you want a proven tinnitus remedy today, then check-out this unique program by going to and see what the 11 secret techniques could be doing for you in minutes.