What if you lay down for a pleasant nights sleep and just then your neighbor decided to mow his lawn or fire up his chain saw? If you’re like me, you wouldn’t be exactly thrilled.
As you read this article, I think you’ll begin to see what it’s like to experience these sounds 24 hours a day. This ringing, buzzing, screeching in your ear is a condition called tinnitus.
You will soon discover why people who suffer from this condition pray that science can cure tinnitus. I’ve had many sleepless nights listening to the never ending buzz and it’s a helpless feeling.
I know many of you reading this article have been through the same round as me of seeing doctors, trying different drugs, using masking agents and possibly hypnosis to get some relief. I found a plan that works for me and I’ll share a few tips that will help you too.
1. I started working out and taking long walks. The result here is that this activity increases blood circulation throughout the body including of course the brain. Any activity that gets the blood flowing will have an instant effect on the body and for many people helps with tinnitus.
2. I started drinking water in much larger volume than I did before. This cleanses the body and has a positive overall effect on any negative condition including tinnitus.
3. In order to cure tinnitus I felt like a physical healing must also include a spiritual healing. The depression that I had experienced during the depths of my tinnitus needed a change of beliefs and seeing my reality in a different way. I started to truly believe that I could cure tinnitus within my self because others had been cured. This was a departure from my old self talk and belief that “there is no cure for tinnitus”.
4. I decided to set a goal that I would make my living from writing and playing music. I knew I couldn’t expose myself to loud music again but I could certainly write and play as a solo act. I don’t know if I’ll ever reach my goal but it’s helped me think about music and writing and less about buzzing in my ears.
These tips have nothing to do with drugs or doctors but I know that they will at least reduce the volume of your buzzing. I know because this change of focus worked almost instantly for me.
Can you /?Is-Ringing-in-Your-Ears-Making-You-Crazy?-4-Tips-to-Cure-Tinnitus!&id=3604740" " cure tinnitus ? I still haven’t totally overcome tinnitus but I’m so much improved and I’m living a normal life again. The answer for me came in the above tips combined with a holistic approach. It’s a program developed by a former sufferer and I felt improvement immediately and am still progressing towards my cure. Visit and begin on your journey towards a peaceful and fulfilling life.