What You Can Expect from a Visit to the Hearing Loss Specialist

If hearing loss causes you great concern, then you are not alone. Many Americans fear the loss of hearing and the doctor visits that follow. The fear often leads to further hearing loss and a decline in one's quality of life. It doesn't have to be this way, as the process for gaining your hearing back is not something to fear.

To dispel some of this unfounded fear, you can always inform yourself. Learning about diseases, disorders, and other health issues can often lead to more peace of mind and calm when it comes to visiting the doctors and confronting the problem. The alternative is to continue the hearing loss or a lifestyle dependent on others.

First, you know it's time to see your doctor or a hearing loss specialist when it starts negatively affecting your life. This can come in several forms. Perhaps all the tricks you have learned gradually over the years to compensate for the loss of hearing are not helping any longer. Turning your head to the side to hear the other person better, or moving your chair closer to the television may have been your techniques of choice. Perhaps you have started to experience ringing in your ears, called tinnitus. This is not normal and should be checked by a doctor quickly. Or perhaps you have ear pain. If any of these symptoms occur or persist, then you know it's time to see a hearing specialist.

Now, in order to take away some of your possible fear, it's time for you to get a better idea what you can expect once you head to a hearing specialist. First, he or she will order a physical examination. This will include a hearing test and include a basic overall checkup. It is always good to go ahead and let the doctor do a complete physical at this point since you are likely at the age where certain other age-related health conditions begin. Specifically with regard to your hearing loss, expect certain questions during the test that focus in on your symptoms and experiences. They will be directed towards discovering the type of hearing loss you may be experiencing and whether or not it is a sign of a more serious illness that needs special attention. The hearing test will continue with one or several specific ear tests available to doctors, and may be followed by x-rays or a CT scan. Your doctor will of course explain any questions you may have during this process.

Next, you will discuss with your doctor what his or her first reactions are to your tests. This may be the same day or scheduled for a later day. If hearing loss is something your doctor feels adequately prepared to tackle, you may continue the process with him or her. If a hearing specialist is preferred or if you began the process with a hearing specialist in the first place, then that will be the path you take. Together, you will discuss your level of hearing loss and the options available before taking any steps. You will have the decision-making power the entire time. If hearing aids are decided upon, you will be walked through the process step-by-step.

There is no need to fear. If hearing loss is a reality for you or a loved one, there is nothing more you can do to prevent it. Living in fear of a doctor's visit is not going to improve the situation, and may only make life worse. Instead, if you or a loved one is suffering from loss of hearing, start the process today and drastically improve your quality of life.