Dealing With "ringing In Ears"

In the words of George Harrison, there is nothing more philosophically perfect than Rock and Roll. Rock and Roll, for many of us, is why we get out of bed in the morning. We try to practice the ideals of Rock and Roll in everything we do, and we can never wait for the next concert. We're the people who have to deal with the ringing in ears because we insist on standing too damn close to the speakers.

So here are a few things the headbangers out there can do to get their ears in check...

Check Your Pulse

The ring in your ears often signifies an overactive pulse. Pinch your wrist and check your blood pressure real quick. A fast heart beat means that you're definitely going to be hearing things, so try to keep it in check. If the concert is maybe a little much, maybe just step outside the bar or venue for a cigarette real quick and get yourself in check. Get away from the noise and take a minute to calm down. This should help get everything in order.

Watch the Aspirin

Aspirin contains a lot of chemicals that can afflict people suffering from tinnitus. Try to avoid taking too much of it. Next time you have a headache, just take a minute to lie down and see if getting your circulation flowing regularly can take care of it. Drink some water, have something to eat, and reserve Aspirin for emergency use only. As an added bonus, this will make you more sensitive to Aspirin in the future as you'll get rid of your resistance to the stuff, meaning that you'll only have to take one at a time to kill a headache.

Stay Away From Excessive Salt

Yep, salt can actually cause the ring in your ears in large enough doses. Sodium, actually. So stay away from foods with too much sodium, eat healthier. This is better for your blood and should help to deal with the ring in your ears. Check the contents of everything in your cupboard and stop eating anything with too much sodium in it. Keep this in mind: A change of diet can help with just about each and every health issue.


What you need to do is get your pulse and your other vital functions going at a good, healthy pace. Getting fresh blood flowing through your body can really go a long way towards getting rid of that ringing in your ears. Do some push ups, run a few laps around the block, whatever you like to do to get into shape, do it.

Limit Your "Kicks"

Drugs, alcohol and sugary foods can all throw your body out of whack and help to contribute to that ringing in your ears. If you love junk food, cut back. If you smoke, quit. If you drink, switch to coffee for a little while. Drink plenty of water, eat healthy, get some exercise, and ringing in your ears shouldn't be a major problem.