How To Prevent Pimples And Cure Your Acne Fast

So you want to know how to prevent pimples so you don't have to worry about those unseemly breakouts anymore?  Well here are a few homemade acne remedies that are natural, good for your skin, cure your acne fast and don't cost much.

Honey and aspirin.  This is one of my favorite masks because it's antibacterial, it exfoliates, it prevents future breakouts as well as eliminates current ones and it moisturizes as well.  All you need to do is smash up some aspirin tablets with the back of a spoon and mix it with some honey.  I do suggest you buy raw, unprocessed honey as it has more health benefits than regular honey.  Just apply the mask to your face and let it sit for about 15 minutes to get the full effect.  This is a great homemade acne remedy to cure acne fast.

Another method how to prevent pimples is to use salt on any pimples you feel forming.  This won't work at all on pimples that have already come to a head, only on ones that are still forming.  Mix as much salt with some water as you possibly can, then just put it on the forming pimples.  This will kill any of the bacteria causing the pimples and it will never form.

You should also try the super baking soda for acne mask.  Instead of the normal mask of just baking soda, you'll want to mix a little bit of sea salt and a tiny bit of baking powder.  This exfoliates, stops breakouts, will cure your acne fast, softens your skin and smooths it out all in one go.  This is one better homemade acne remedy options out there.

Finding out how to prevent pimples can be a bit daunting, especially with all the acne commercials we see all the time, but it doesn't have to be.  Follow these steps to find some healthy and good looking skin in no time.