Buzzing in the Ears- Tinnitus is Impossible to Ignore

You’re walking down the street and a fly finds its way into your ear.  It’s going nuts trying to get out and the buzzing in the ears is loud.

Now imagine that the fly can’t get out of your ear and just stays there for days, weeks, months or even years.  Welcome to the world of tinnitus.

Everyone that suffers from T has a slightly different noise or noises going on in their head.  Mine is usually loud.  I mean loud!  It’s absolutely impossible to ignore.

Doctors really don’t have the answers.  I’ve been told to mask the noise with music and to have my hearing checked.  The problem there is that sound hurts my ears and I’d have to play the music at a level that would hurt in order to mask the buzzing in the ears.

Strangely enough it can come and go.  I’ve had many hours and even a few days when it disappeared completely.  Think about the best days of your life.  Maybe your wedding day or giving birth or whatever.  These days of quiet were the best days of my life.

Doctors will usually refer you to have an audiology test which most of the time will be normal.   They throw up their hands and then you’re on your own.  The search begins.

I started reading everything about T and what might cause it.  I believe in natural cures and tried checking those out.

I cut certain foods out of my diet and also started working out.  I lost 25 pounds but still had buzzing in the ears.  I found that the thrill of looking my best at the age of 50 didn’t mean much.

Coffee, eggs and basic dairy products are on my list of things I like a lot.  Guess what’s on the list of what may be making the Tinnitus worse?  You guessed it.  I want coffee!

The next phase of the journey for me was when I started to think that this might never go away.  I fantasized about ramming my head into a wall.  That would surely help.

Tinnitus had become my life.  I was obsessed, depressed and wondering if I could deal with this for 10,20 or 30 years.

I tried herbs and other natural remedies and none of them worked.  I did find a holistic method that combined many of the methods I’d tried before.  The difference is that it’s working.

I’m not cured from T as yet but I’m living a relatively normal life and having an increasing number of good days.  The bad days are quieter and not as bad as before.  I can see a progression to an end of this once and for all.

I’ve found that stress, panic, anxiety and depression are not only caused by T but also are a contributor to it.  I’ve learned how to almost completely eliminate these symptoms from my life.

As you can tell I was nearly to the end of my wits with Tinnitus.  The method I found is natural, easy and it works.  It helps with /?Buzzing-in-the-Ears---Tinnitus-is-Impossible-to-Ignore&id=3444332" " buzzing in the ears and other symptoms related to this nasty condition.  If you’re a Tinnitus sufferer, run don’t walk to and start returning to a normal life.