The Effects Of Ringing Ears After Concert

When you go to concerts, you are exposing yourselves to loud sounds. The sounds coming out from the concert speakers can reach over 130 decibels, which is much higher than the human hearing's threshold of pain. The noise that you would hear in rock concerts can even be much louder than that, because the screams from the crowd add up to the total noise levels. This is the reason why you would haveringing ears after concert.

When you are exposed to very loud sounds, you are more prone to have tinnitus. Tinnitus is the ringing in your ears. The sound that can be described as tinnitus is usually a ringing. Some people, however, hear totally different sounds. Sometimes, the sounds that they get to hear can be described as chirping, beating, humming, or buzzing sounds.

The sounds that each individual hears can be quite different. It can vary in pitch and intensity for each person. Some people hear their tinnitus as a low rumbling sound. Other individuals can hear it as a high pitched squeal. The tinnitus that the individuals would hear can also differ in loudness. In some situations, it can be barely audible while in others, it can be deafening.

The primary cause forringing ears after concertis being exposed to very loud volumes of sound. This can do damage to your ears, especially the sensitive parts of the inner ear. The microscopic hair like cells that convert the kinetic energy from the air into sound can be bent or broken by sounds that are way too loud.

When these cells get bent, they trigger a ringing sound in a specific frequency. This is what causes tinnitus. The ringing in your ears that result from this is only temporary. After a few minutes or a few hours, it would usually go away on its own. If your tinnitus persists after more than two days, the tinnitus that you have might be more permanent.

Though it might not seem like a big deal, hearing tinnitus is actually a sign that you have done damage to your ears. You might not be able to hear the sounds in certain frequencies accurately. And if you would always expose yourself to loud sounds that could cause tinnitus, you really increase your chances of experiencing hearing loss.

If you plan to go to a concert, there are some precautions you could take so that you would not experience a ringing in your ears after it. One thing you could do is put on earplugs every time you go to concerts. There are some models that are quite small and unnoticeable. With earplugs, you could still feel the energy of the concert without damaging your ears.

One thing that you could also do to preventringing ears after concertis to stay at a comfortable distance from the main concert speakers. While it is fun to watch your favorite act perform live, you should also take care of your ears. Taking the proper precautions would ensure that you would still get to enjoy watching concerts without the risks of tinnitus.