Menieres Treatments - Finally You Can Stop The Annoying Ear Ringing Once And For All

Sleeping can be difficult even on quiet nights with all that ringing in the ears. No amount of sticking and wiggling your finger in your ears seems to stop it. Same goes as well when you're trying to concentrate writing your would-be-bestseller. You can lock yourself in a soundproof room but you can still hear that ringing or tingling noise. Your doctor said you may have tinnitus, a condition where one hears regular noises despite the absence of an external source. He advises you to take something, take it easy and try to ignore it by listening to the Carpenters. Funny thing is, the sound seems to get progressively louder. This means that you may have something else for which tinnitus is only a symptom. If from time to time you feel dizzy or find yourself getting clumsier, you could have Menieres disease. It would be time to seek menieres treatments.

So what is Menieres disease? Menieres disease is a condition where the lympathic channel or the tube by which a fluid in the inner ear called the endolymph drains out gets dilated or constricted. What happens is the regular drainage of the fluid gets disrupted causing fluid buildup in the inner ear causing the following symptoms:

  • A common symptom for Menieres disease is tinnitus as mentioned above. Tinnitus can be caused by other factors like constant exposure to loud noise, head trauma, old age and stress. Its time to seek menieres treatments if your tinnitus is accompanied by any of the following symptoms.
  • Progressive hearing loss. This may come with or without tinnitus.
  • Vertigo attacks which cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting that lasts from a few minutes to several hours.
  • Loss of balance – you find yourself getting clumsier and stumbling a lot. This is just a milder version of the next symptom.
  • Sudden fall or drop attacks – you may suddenly find yourself on the floor without warning. This can be debilitating and sometimes deadly.

What are the available menieres treatments? Basically, the treatments deal more with the alleviating the symptoms of this disease. Here are some of the following.

  • To deal with tinnitus for which we are more interested, we can start by taking less caffeine and less salt in the diet. Additional zinc helps. You could also use tinnitus masking devices which cancel out the ringing with more soothing sounds.
  • A diet solution called hydrops diet. Precisely proportioned, precisely timed low-sodium, zero-MSG meals.
  • Medication – you can take prescription drugs to lessen or prevent vertigo attacks. See your doctor for more information.
  • The use of a device called Meniett is known to lessen the frequency of vertigo attacks.
  • Surgery is an option for extreme cases where medication fails to help.

With these menieres treatments, you can finally get rid of all that annoying ringing.