The Best Hearing Aids?

Hearing Aids have advanced tremendously even since just a few years ago and there are even more options now than ever! How do you know which ones are the best though? Your friend told you that they love their hearing aid, but the office you went to suggested another type and another one of your friends is wearing yet a different type altogether. If you go to the manufacturer's websites they willl all claim that theirs is the best.

With so many different opinions, it's difficult for you to decide what to buy. The best hearing instrument for you is one that is within your budget, helps you hear as well as possible, and is comfortable to wear. Brands and technology don't matter as much as your own preferences. If a hearing aid has the most amazing technology available, but you won't wear it because it looks horrible or you can't stand the way it sounds, that hearing aid is no good for you! If you can't afford it, then it's no good either. A hearing professional will guide you to the hearing device that best meets your hearing needs and fits within your lifestyle.

The real decision is not what hearing aid to buy, but where to buy it. There are 4 types of places where you can buy hearing instruments: Private Practice Hearing Professionals (Audiologists and Hearing Aid Specialists), Online companies such as , ENT Physicians, and Chain stores like Miracle Ear and Beltone.

Private Practice Hearing Professionals:
1. Usually they are the best trained and most experienced.
2. They generally carry a wide variety of hearing aids from different manufacturers.
3. Prices are more reasonable as a rule.
4. More customer service oriented, you are usually dealing with the owner.

Online companies:
1. These are excellent if they refer you to a professional and their services are included in the price.
2. You will usually get the best price.
3. Do not buy direct online or mail order without professional face to face service. You would be throwing your money out the window.

ENT offices:
1. They are often too busy to provide the necessary time and attention, the audiologists that work there typically don't specialize in hearing aids.
2. They are hard to get in to see on short notice.
3. You can get medical treatment there if needed.
4. Prices tend to be higher in general.

Chain stores:
1. Chain stores usually only carry 1 brand of hearing aid, so they have fewer choices.
2. Only a Chain store can service their hearing aid. If they go out of business in your area, or you move, you're stuck with a hearing you cannot get serviced!
3. Chain stores hearing aids are all made by major manufacturers and private labeled. If you go directly to the manufacturer you will typically save a lot of money.
4. Chain stores do offer service at any of their locations nationwide.
5. They often use high pressure sales and gimmicks to get you to buy right then.

If you choose the right route when buying your hearing aids, you will greatly increase the chances of getting the best hearing aids for your needs.