What is the Best Treatment For Acne?

Did you know that most of the 'over the counter' acne medications do more damage than good to your skin? All these medications promise wonder results, saying they will get rid of acne in less than 2-3 days. So what is the best treatment for acne? Below you will find 3 simple yet natural treatments for acne which proved successful for many acne sufferers:

The first solution to curing this skin disease would be increasing the daily water intake. At least 8 glasses per day (this is the equivalent to roughly 2L) are required in order to flush the toxins out of your body as these toxins cause the apparition of pimples, zits and blemishes all over your face, just to name a few. Water helps also helps you to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day, therefore your body will get rid of the dead skin tissues a lot easier.

If you aren't used to drinking water often you can try the following: Combine hot water with some green tea and a few lids of lemon juice. Having a great flavor, the water will be easily consumed.

The second best treatment for acne would be the Tea Tree Oil. You probably didn't know this but there's an element called terpinen-4-ol that's great against fighting bacteria. As we all know, bacteria is one of the factors that leads to the apparition of acne. Try combining the tea tree oil with water, in a combination of 10% - 90%. Apply the resulting concoction on and around the pimples. This natural homemade acne treatment is even better than most over the counter products containing benzoyl peroxide.

The third solution to curing your acne is the coconut oil. This natural product is currently used in treating numerous problems, acne being of them. By containing lauric and capric acids, coconut oil is an excellent ally against infections and bacteria. These two acids are also found in Mother's milk. You can simply apply coconut oil on the face; let it sit for 10 minutes then rinse it off with water and a face-cloth. The other method of using coconut oil is by ingesting it.

Finding the best treatment for acne differs from person to person. What works best for me probably won't work as good for other people but still will give some good results. The treatments mentioned above are some of the best treatments for acne and they will surely diminish the appearance of acne on your face.

You can also always use a natural acne cure to clear you skin.

Natural treatments have been proven to be a lot more effective to cure acne . Besides, they are relatively cheap and readily available and the risk of side effects are very minimal.To get a complete list of guides on how to cure acne then go visit our website now ==>