Tips For Maintaining Your Hearing

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Hearing loss is not just relegated to the elderly or infirm. Because your ears are so delicate, unfortunately it is very easy to rupture your ear drum or lose your hearing but as long as you take care of yourself and your health you can ensure that you will be healthy and happy for years to come.

While we were all brought up learning the importance of cleaning our ears, using q-tips can actually be more detrimental to our overall ear health than helpful. Q-tips apply too much pressure to the ear and most of us use them deeper in the ear canal than they are meant to be used, risking rupturing our ear drum. Instead, use a tissue and your fingers to clean your ears as your fingers only permit you to reach the outer ear canal and if you must, use a q-tip once a month. Don't risk hearing loss for something that is so easily avoided.

Likewise, if you are a surfer or spend a lot of time in the ocean, it is imperative that you think about your overall ear health and take the necessary precautions to prevent any damage. When the waves come crashing down over your head, it can be very easy for you to rupture your ear drum or suffer hearing loss. Prolonged time spent in the ocean also leads to water build up in the ears which negatively effects hearing and could prove to be detrimental later on in the future. Be safe, and buy some ear plugs. Most are sold in surf shops and are inexpensive. They are designed for the water and to withstand the tumultuous ocean. While they are not fool proof, they definitely are better than nothing.

Another common issue that people don't think about is standing right by the speakers at a loud concert. While you should definitely enjoy yourself and listen to all the music you like, loud or heavy music will definitely affect your long term hearing and can lead to hearing loss early on. You don't want to rupture your ear drum just by virtue of standing in front of a speaker so take care of yourself and stand closer to the middle so the sound isn't blaring in one ear. It is important that you preserve your hearing and follow these easy guidelines for longterm health.