Popping or Squeezing Pimples

So you have pimples!

Oftentimes, there is a natural urge topop or squeeze the pimpleson our faces. It does relieve built up pressure but it is most likely doing more harm than good. Most people at one time or another have popped pimples. Sometimes it is just too hard to resist that pustule on your face. Especially if a pimple occurs the day before a big event. Pimples usually appear at the most inopportune times. Getting married, a first date, the night before graduation pictures are taken, and lo and behold a pimple makes it's grand entrance.

We believe that by squeezing or popping the offending pimple, it will heal faster. While it is true that the smallest surface pimple can probably be popped easily, large and inflamed pimples that come to a head should not be squeezed. This can cause the actual infection to be pushed further down the layers of our skin resulting in the spreading of infection. We then can see a spreading of acne which will take a lot longer to heal. Popping pimples can worsen the condition by scarring your skin.

Pimples and/or acne tend to develop during high stress times. While stress does not cause pimples, it can change our hormone levels. Getting rid of pimples fast is usually the main objective. No doubt that pimples and acne are an eyesore and this is usually the number one reason for popping pimples. The urge to squeeze the pimple becomes overwhelming each time we look in the mirror. Sometimes it actually appears to be growing. We think that if we drain the pimple, it would naturally heal quicker. This is far from the truth.

Truly, popping pimples may seem like the best route to take but it can really aggravate the condition. If you think about it, the skin where the pimple is popped, will be an open wound. This in no way solves the very problem of pimples and acne. In fact, when pimples are squeezed, it can spread the bacteria causing more infections. Dermatologist never recommend the popping of pimples. It simply does not lead to getting rid of pimples altogether.

The one thing you generally want to prevent is damaging the skin. Scarring is commonly caused by popping pimples. Treating scarring is more difficult than trying to prevent pimples in the first place. ?e=bseysnflvknl&d=0&l=0&o=&p=0&subID1=acnezine" Learning proper skin care is easy. There are many otc medicines in the market today. Being vigilant in caring for your skin can keep dead skin cells, oil, dirt and bacteria from building up.