How to Get Rid of Acne Fast - 3 Myths ExposedFirst, in order to get rid of acne fast we must understand what causes this dreaded skin condition. Acne is the result of skin pores being clogged because of excessive secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands which leads to infection. Once the bacteria settles, you'll see pimples, zits while more severe cases will lead to acne scars, an unwanted sight for anybody. There are many other causes for acne such stress and bad eating habits. Many researchers say that acne is also a hereditary skin disease. Below we'll bust a few myths that have been going around for a few years: Chocolate.After years of scientific research there hasn't been found a connection between eating chocolate and acne. Instead, the scientists found out that excessive dairy products and bananas lead to the apparition of acne. Why? Because this type of food contains special amino-acids which trigger the sebaceous glands to produce excessive amounts of sebum. This leads to breakouts and blemishes all over the acne sufferer's face. Try limiting dairy foods and bananas as much as possible. Chocolate myth busted! Wash your face often. If you wash your face more than 2 times a day your facial skin will become dry, leading to more problems. What does your body do when the skin is dry? Pump up more oil from the sebaceous glands. The sebum oil is stuck in the clogged pores, bacteria is starting to appear and voila! -- Another acne breakout. If you want to know how to get rid of acne fast then wash your face 2 times a day, early in the morning and right before going to sleep. Myth busted! Exposing your face to sunlight cures your acne.If you didn't know you'll find out now: acne is very easily irritated. Sun rays are dangerous to your skin and they will start causing even more problems. Try not to expose your pimples to sunlight but if you have no choice use an oil-free water-based sun lotion. Sunlight myth busted! Now for the secret answer to the question "how to get rid of acne fast?". Try lower the secretion of sebum oils. Wash your face (not too often, as described above), don't touch your face with your dirty hands, eat more vegetables and fruits, reduce stress, keep your body hydrated by drinking at least 2L of water daily and you'll get rid of acne in no time. You can always use a natural acne cure to clear you skin. Natural treatments have been proven to be a lot more effective to cure acne . Besides, they are relatively cheap and readily available and the risk of side effects are very minimal.To get a complete list of guides on how to cure acne then go visit our website now ==> |