Are You Looking For A Menieres Treatment? - Look No Further, Here Is The Real Truth

If you are looking at this document then either you or your unfortunate friend is looking for menieres treatment. Here is the truth about Menieres disease. The cells in the inner ear are bathed in a nutrient fluid called endolymph. This volume of this fluid is regularly maintained. It is regularly produced and drained by various organs in the middle ear. Menieres disease is a condition where the drainage of this nutrient fluid is disrupted when the tube it is drained through gets dilated or constricted. When this happens, there is fluid buildup in the inner ear thus creating pressure to the other parts of the inner ear causing the following symptoms.

  • Tinnitus – this symptom can be annoying and debilitating in itself prompting you to look for menieres treatment. It is a constant ringing, tingling or buzzing in the ears despite the absence of external sound. Although tinnitus can be caused by other things such as loud noise stress and aging, when you mix it with the other symptoms below, you may have a case of menieres disease.
  • Progressive hearing loss – a sufferer of this disease can have progressive hearing loss that can lead to deafness if untreated
  • Hydrops – The feeling of fullness in the ears because of the pressure caused by fluid buildup
  • Loss of balance
  • Vertigo attacks – this is one of the serious and problematic symptoms of menieres disease. The person experiences intense bouts of dizziness, nausea and vomiting that lasts from a few minutes to several hours followed by periods of intense exhaustion.
  • Drop attacks or sudden fall – a very dangerous symptom of menieres disease. Retire from your window washing or mountain climbing career immediately. Sufferers of meniere suddenly drop to the ground without warning sometimes causing injury.

There are several menieres treatments available for this disease.

  • The hydrops diet is designed to lessen or eliminate vertigo attacks which are more common to menieres sufferers. This diet is low in sodium which is about 2 grams per day and is to be taken in a precise or constant quantity at a precise schedule because it should regulate the fluids in the body.  This diet should also be high in natural fruits and vegetables and low processed foods. The avoidance of caffeine, alcohol and MSG is important.
  • There are also several medications to alleviate the symptoms of vertigo, imbalance and tinnitus like vestibular suppressants or antiemetic drugs.  These drugs prevent motion sickness and control nausea.
  • Surgical menieres treatment is the final option for those suffering from menieres. These involve the installation of a device called a meniett to regulate vertigo, or a lymphatic shunt designed to relax the pressure in the inner ear and in extreme cases removal of parts of the inner ear itself.