The Disturbing Effects Of Ear Ringing Dizziness

It may be quite natural for us to hear a ringing in our ears for a short period of time. This ringing sound is better known by its medical name, tinnitus. Most of the people who experience this usually hear the characteristic ringing sound. Sometimes, the tinnitus sounds quite different, some people perceive it as a beating sound, buzzing, or even chirping. It usually goes away on its own. But if your tinnitus lingers, you may getear ringing dizziness.

There are many things and events that can make you experience tinnitus. Some of these causes can be easy to see, while sometimes, it is hard to determine. The tinnitus that you would get is usually temporary. Other people though, get to experience longer durations of ringing in ears. It can be really irritating to constantly hear a ringing sound in your head.

Sometimes, the ringing would be so strong and intense that the people who experience it just can't bear it anymore. If they constantly hear it, they may not get to concentrate on the tasks that they have to do. It may be so bad that it could cause headaches and dizziness.

The dizziness that happens can be caused by the headaches themselves, or they could be caused by other factors like lack of sleep. Persons who suffer fromear ringing dizzinesswould usually suffer sleepless nights. If the person always hears a ringing in one or both of his ears, he might not be able to concentrate especially in quiet places. The ringing might persist even during bedtime, so the individual affected by it would have trouble sleeping.

Though it might seem like a really grave problem, there is still some hope for the tinnitus sufferers. But to be able to find a cure for your particular type of tinnitus, you must first know what caused your tinnitus. There are many things that could make you hear tinnitus, so let us start from the obvious.

In a majority of cases, the tinnitus that you would hear is caused by exposing your ear to loud sounds for a long period of time. Loud sounds can do damage to your ears, especially to the sensitive parts of the inner ear. The tiny hair-like cells that convert the sound you hear into electrical signals to your brain get bent or broken. When they do, they might misfire a signal, which the brain interprets as a ringing sound.

The dizziness and ear ringing may also be a result of a recent head trauma. If you bump your head hard enough, some of your nerve endings may get damaged. The trauma will likely make you feel dizzy, and if it is severe enough, it might do damage to your ear and you would start to hear the tinnitus.

The remedy for these types of tinnitus is quite simple. For the damage done by loud sounds, just letting your ears rest for a while might be enough to cure the tinnitus. In the case of trauma, rest is also needed. If theear ringing dizzinesscontinues, you would need to have an appointment to your doctor.

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