Hearing loss in Children - ENT Specialist Bangalore - Dr Prateek Nayak

If your child has any of the features listed below your child may be at risk forhearing lossand needs to be evaluated by a professional

People have to raise their voice consistently to get the child's attention.
At any age after talking has begun, the child frequently says "huh" or "what" when somebody is speaking.
The child responds inconsistently to sound, sometimeshearingit and other times not.
child has a history of ear infections - often getting earaches or runny ears.
At any age the child watches the speaker's face carefully.
child turns his head so that one ear is facing the direction of the sound source.
child complains of hurting ears.
child prefers low pitch or high pitch sounds.
child talks in a soft or loud voice.
child keeps the radio or television volume loud
child does not always come or look when called.
child confuses sounds that are alike.
child's speech is poorer than you would expect of a child of his or her age.
child does not use verbal language much.
child frequently asks for things to be repeated.
child often answers a question with an unrelated answer.
child seems inattentive at home or at school.
child has a history of hearing loss.
child does not pay attention to instructions half or more of the time.
child does not listen carefully - often needs instructions repeated.
child has difficulty attending to auditory stimuli for more than a few seconds.
child has a short attention span.
child's attention drifts,seems to be daydreaming.
child is easily distracted/bothered by background sounds.
child has problems with spelling/phonics.
child has difficulty telling one sound from another.
child forgets what is said in a few minutes.
child does not remember routine things from day to day.
child has problems with what was heard last week, month, year.
child has problems recalling a sequence of instructions.
child has problems following auditory directions.
child frequently misunderstands what was said.
child does not understand many words for age/grade level.
child learns poorly through auditory channels.
child has language problems (sentence structure, vocabulary, word formation).
child has articulation (pronunciation) problems.
child can not always relate what is seen to what is heard.
child lacks motivation to learn.
child takes longer to respond to verbal stimuli.
child has below average performance in one or more academic areas.
child does not always come or look when called.
child may show overactive, aimless behavior.
child may be aggressive or destructive.
child may appear withdrawn (out of touch with environment).
child may show excessive fears or anxieties.
If your child has any of the features listed above your child may be at risk forhearing lossand needs to be evaluated by a professional