5 Common Causes Of Ringing In The Ears

Are you suffering from or been diagnosed with Tinnitus (T)? As you think about this question you may want to take a few minutes to check a few of the most common causes of ringing in the ears

Trauma- a head injury can spark T
Infection- ear inflammation & infections
Alcohol or caffeine- too much of either can trigger noises
Loud noise- for example prolonged exposure to very loud music
Stress or depression- this is often blamed where no specific cause can be found.
Diet- salt, spices, Monosodium Glutamate can worsen ringing in the ears

Tinnitus is a condition where constant ringing, hissing, ticking whooshing, buzzing, clicking or other sounds are heard from a person's own ear. These noises can be enough to drive you crazy & start looking frantically for a relief or cure. Unfortunately for the many sufferers conventional treatments such as sleeping pills & aspirin, just treat the symptoms without really getting to the root causes & can actually make things worse. Many cases result in the symptoms coming back as soon as the effect of the treatment wears of. As you read every word of this article you will see that thankfully, there are ways & means to reduce & even get rid of the ghastly noises.

You probably already know that for some, they only notice symptoms of T when they are lying awake at night in a quiet environment, these are the people most likely to turn to sleeping pills or anti-anxiety medication to try and get rid of the noise, this as already mentioned can make matters worse.

Can you remember a time when you didn't have a constant ringing in your ears? Imagine how it would feel if you didn't spend almost all of your waking hours going crazy thinking about finding a cure.

If your doctor has said you need to "learn to live with T" but you have decided to keep looking for ways to eliminate these noises that are spoiling your life & effecting your work, relationships & general well being read on & you be the judge. A personal approach, which takes into account an individuals circumstances & living conditions into account, seems in my opinion to be worth a try.

Now that you have read this article find out more about common causes of ringing in the ears & easy to follow instructions to heal yourself at