Do you often suffer from temporary tinnitus?

Temporary tinnituscan affect a lot of people without them knowing. If you have ever been to a music concert or festival you may recall leaving the venue and have a loud pitch ringing in your ears. This is affect by the sound of the music, in particular the bass, being played at high volumes.

The good news is this will clear up after a few hours, however, for some people the temporary tinnitus keeps on returning even when they have not been in the presence of loud noises as described above.

One possible cause of this is nerve damage to the inner ear which is causing blood flow to intermittently flow through other passages; the high pitched noise is merely the sound of this and is natural for the body to do so. The cause of the nerve damage will need to be looked at by a specialist and you should seek medical advice about this. This however is quite rare.

It is far more likely you have a built up condition or a reaction to substances that are commonly found in toothpaste for sensitive teeth, exfoliaters and acne creams. Tests have proven that people that stop using products with these substances in have reported a reduction in how often they suffered thetemporary tinnitusor, even better, that is stops completely.

If you want to try and stop using these products,try to avoid anything that contains Potassium Nitrate and Salicylates.

This is a relatively common symptom and yet largely unknown since many people believe tinnitus is uncureable. Not knowing when your tinnitus may arise can be just as frustrating as having it all the time, since you never know when it may arise. This can cause havoc with your social and personal life as well as your day job.