Anxiety And Ringing Ears - Double Trouble

A lot of people suffer from anxiety and ringing ears . What they do not realize is that these two symptoms are almost always related. They chalk up the anxiety and ringing ears to be separate issues that need to be dealt with when in reality, they should be looked at together.

That constant, annoying, won't go away buzz in your ears is also known in the medical circles as tinnitus. It is not fatal, does not lead to complications, and for most cases does not affect the lives of the people who suffer from them. People who suffer from anxiety and ringing ears need to understand that the anxiety is not a separate issue. Anxiety can actually cause the ringing in the ears. This is due to stress and the irregular blood pressure. When someone is stressed out, blood circulation becomes irregular and may cause the blood flow to the brain and ears to get cut off temporarily. This, in turn, will create the low ringing noise your hear. The ear continues to send signals to the brain even if there are no external noises for it to come from.

Anxiety and ringing ears often go hand in hand. There are 2 types of tinnitus: temporary and chronic. For temporary tinnitus, this is caused by loud sounds like concerts, construction sites, drilling, gunshots, and the like. For chronic tinnitus, this is caused by constant bombardment of loud or explosive sounds, a bad or allergic reaction to certain types of medicine, a head injury, among others.

Oftentimes, the ringing sound people hear actually causes anxiety and a higher degree of ringing ears. This is due to the fact that people assume there's something seriously wrong and think about the situation over and over again. As your anxiety level rises, the ringing sound in your ears actually grow louder.

For tinnitus sufferers, there's not much they can do to combat the anxiety and ringing ears except to bravely face this problem everyday. There are some over the counter medicines that one can try, and of course de-stressing can also help ease anxiety and ringing of ears. Some other options include changing your diet and getting more exercise to regulate blood pressure. Others try to play soft music to counteract the incessant ringing in their head.

Just remember, anxiety and ringing ears do go hand in hand most of the time. To minimize the ringing in your ears, try to relax and not focus on the ringing too much. The more obsessed you are with fixing the problem, the more anxiety and ringing ears will become a part of your daily routine.