How to Cure Acne Once and for All

Despite all the acne products out there, most people haven't yet found a solution to cure their acne once and for all. Ever wondered why? Would they just tell the truth, is acne really curable?

Taking the first step to remedy acne requires understanding that acne may not be a simple condition. Most experts focus too much on symptoms. But you'll find nothing that goes beyond mere symptoms.

For example, perhaps you've heard before that acne is caused by excessive sebum that blocks the follicle. Getting rid of acne, in this case, involves nothing more than cleansing the face regularly. So that solves the acne problem forever, right? Except that it addresses only one symptom. Everyone knows that doesn't work. But they continue to have that problem so they try new products with new formula for skin cleansing.

Perhaps maybe it could help preventing acne from reoccurring? That can't be true either. You know too many friends who wash their face thoroughly thrice a day but still develop new acne day in and day out.

To cure acne, you need more than that. You have to examine the real issue, not just merely scratch the surface. Figure out first, what causes the oil glands to produce so much sebum? What causes it to happen? Drill down to the core issue. Then address it. Only after that should you try to fix the problem. Understand the real cause first before you take necessary actions to cure it.

A real problem that causes acne, however, is much harder to address than a symptom. Because the latter is something you can see or track easily. You cannot stop new acne just by avoiding certain food, although you may see some improvements for a week or so.

If you search hard enough, you'll come to a conclusion that toxins and free radicals are the true cause of acne.

Vegetables may contain herbicides. Processed foods have additives. Manufacturers add preservatives. Living environment may introduce more toxins into the body system, like air pollution. Toxins are also produced in the body through bacterial metabolism.

When it comes to free radical, many researchers believe it is a factor behind every known disease, including but not limited to, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimers and arthritis. Because free radicals most likely damage the liver that it fails to effectively deal with hormone production and regulation.

This situation of hormone imbalance causes too much androgen in the bloodstream. Androgen triggers the production of higher than normal amount of sebum. That, without saying, increases the chance of acne development.

Fixing diet and changing lifestyle are going to not only cure current acne, but prevent future occurrences of more acne. Too much junk food, whether you realize it or not, is a common activator of acne. Again, where you live and your habit may also trigger chronic cases of acne.

Following through detoxes and changing diet and lifestyle, however, are often not an option. At least those are hard to go through. There is no guarantee that you will get any relief any soon, maybe it will take months or years, depends on your situation and condition. Although definitely possible, most people will give up even before they see actual results.

Is there an easier alternative? Enter Acnezine. Not that it is an ultimate solution. Medical research needs more work to find a be all and end all solution for acne.

But not only does it try to cure acne symptoms but also address the problems inside the body. How does it do that? By introducing a second component, i.e. the antioxidants.

The antioxidants hunt down and destroy free radicals, preventing them from causing damage. They also neutralize toxins and take some load off from the liver. Healthier liver have more time to influence hormonal levels, which prevent oil glands from producing excessive sebum.

And oh, antioxidants are also able to control bacteria that cause acne by boosting immune system.

If Acnezine is that good, why hasn't it been the ultimate solution to all acne problems? That is what it does in theory.

But practically, you need to take into accounts many other factors. Not everybody is in the same condition. Certainly some people are able to get rid of toxins in their body more than others. Others have body brimming with toxins, much more than the average. So not everyone will immediately see results from the same dose of antioxidants.

It may take one individual one week to start getting result, while in others, it could take months. First maybe the improvement in health is not noticeable but over time it will also be reflected in the health of your skin. Don't make this mistake. Don't quit just because it doesn't work for you the first week or you experience minor side effects.

Again, ideally changing lifestyle and diet is the ultimate solution to curing acne. But if those are not your options, or you need faster cure while you implement the advices above, Acnezine is absolutely a solution worth trying.