Tinnitus Music And How It Can Help You!

What tinnitus music can help your condition?

Lots of people get tinnitusfrommusic, butfewrealize that music can actually help cure the condition! If you've ever been kept awake all night by your tinnitus or delt with a tinnitus headache, then you understand how urgently a solution is needed.

Unfortunately, doctors and specialists rarely prescribe tinnitus music as part of a treatment plan. Sleeping medication has a wide range of side effects and people with severe tinnitus insomnia need heavy doses -- which often case more problems.

There is one simple trick to using tinnitus music to help alleviate your symptoms:

Get a CD of relaxing sound effects, like rain forest or beach sounds. The goalisn'tto have something nice to listen to: music can keep your brain awake and that's not what we want.

Set up a speaker or stereo on your nightstand. Put the CD on a loop and set the volume so it just barely masks your tinnitus. Now, when you're trying to go to sleep, do not try and listen to the sounds! You just want them there as a distraction to cover up the ringing in your ears.

A few notes of caution with this tinnitus music method:

If you have young children in your house, then you do not want the sound to be so loud that it cover up the sound of an emergency in the night.

The same cautions apply to smoke detectors on the far sides of your home.

Finally, you need to find an acceptable level so that you do not bother your spouse! Realize that this approach to tinnitus music does not work for every case. However, there are other methods which can be used if you have a severe instance of tinnitus.