3 Facts to Know About Acne

Don't you think acne are often difficult to handle? They say it happens only during puberty, but you'll see it stays long after your teenage days are gone. With the abundance number of acne treatment, so far there is no such thing that can cure all acne situations. If you have a bit of curiosity, you should've asked why.

The myths surrounding acne, for instance, often confuse people. Myths are myths, but there should be reasons behind them. That's why I'll debunk 3 of the top myths quickly and tell you the reason why.

This one is common. You probably heard it already. Dirt is the cause of acne. This is not true.

Dirt is the only black color of blackheads. Contrary to what people believe, pores are not blocked from the outside. Acne formation starts from the inside, deep within the skin. Shedding of the skin and excessive sebum block the follicle, which in turn become acne. Washing can never go inside the pores whether they are blocked or not.

In many cases, washing your face too often will cause irritation and often make the acne condition worse. By all means cleanse your skin twice daily, but it does not help prevent or treat acne.

Second myth is certain foods cause acne.

Acne triggers and causes are two completely different things. Food doesn't cause acne, but it triggers conditions that may lead to acne.

If you avoid certain foods for this reason, you may end up stop consuming foods that are proven to be useful to the body. I recommend that you deal with the real problem instead of just looking for a workaround.

Otherwise, you will end up with nothing to eat.

I am sure you have heard or read somewhere that the sun can help cure acne. That is, however, is the third myth. Sun is capable of causing further skin damage. Sun is able to cause skin irritation, and that is bad for acne.

Skin may break out and heal after sun exposure, but that doesn't mean the acne will go away. That is a wrong misconception that may backfire.