Getting The Right Cure For Your Tinnitus Problem

Among the numerous causes for ringing in the ears pharmaceutical drugs is the most common cause. Some drugs a person takes everyday sometimes becomes the cause by producing tinnitus as side effect. Medicine being systemic fixes the whole body and does not laser target only the affected part of the body. This results in the side effects of the medication. Tinnitus is one of those side effect caused by sometimes even mild medicines.

Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs are commonly used drugs which are taken to reduce inflammation and pain. They are aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen which are taken for colds and headaches and can be bought from any medical shops. The drugs are famous for causing hearing problems since they contain anti platelet properties. Aspirin is derived from salicylates and salicylic acid which are notable for causing hearing problems and tinnitus. Apart from NSAIDs the other drugs causing or worsening tinnitus are sedatives, cancer medications, antibiotics, antidepressants, and antihistamines. Most of the drugs seem to cause tinnitus.

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Switch over to other medicines which have fewer side effects like instead of taking aspirin for headache try paracetamol which relieves pain and at the same time is absolutely free from side effects.

Be alert and note whether the drugs taken increase the already present tinnitus or if not present is it causing symptoms after each dosage.

Reading instructions given in the slip which accompanies the medicine carefully will give an idea about the possible side effects that can be created due to the consumption of the drug.

Be familiar with the drugs taken and check whether it is included in the list of medicines given above.

Consult the doctor concerned and inform him about the tinnitus problem and get some alternative drugs in case the one listed does not suit.