Oral Health Problems in Children and Natural Treatment for Oral Health Problems

There are a number of problems that affect the oral health of children, including tooth decay, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, lip sucking, and early tooth loss. Even though baby teeth are eventually replaced with permanent teeth, keeping baby teeth healthy is important to a child's overall health and well-being.

Causes for oral health problems in children

1.    Vitamin deficiency

2.    Fungal infection

3.    Viral infection

4.    Congenital conditions

5.    Child abuse

6.    Bacterial infection

7.    Anti anxiety

8.    Decongestants

Prevention for oral health problems in children

1.    Add sugar to your child's food is mostly avoided.

2.    A bottle filled with sugary liquids put your baby is avoided.

3.    Do not give cold, hot as well as sweeter food to your children.

4.    Give acidic foods to your children is avoided.

5.    Do not give sticky foods to your child.

Baby bottle tooth decay

Baby bottle tooth decay (also called early childhood caries, nursing caries, and nursing bottle syndrome) occurs when a baby's teeth are in frequent contact with sugars from liquid carbohydrates, such as fruit juices, milk, formula, fruit juice diluted with water, sugar water or any other sweet drink. Human breast milk can cause tooth decay as well. As these liquids break down in the mouth into simple sugars and are allowed to sit in the mouth, bacteria start feeding on the sugars, causing tooth decay.

If left untreated, decayed teeth can cause pain and make it difficult to chew and eat. Also, baby teeth serve as "space savers" for adult teeth. If baby teeth are damaged or destroyed, they can't help guide permanent teeth into their proper position, possibly resulting in crowded or crooked permanent teeth. Badly decayed baby teeth could lead to an abscessed tooth, with the possibility of infection spreading elsewhere.

How do I prevent baby bottle tooth decay?

Some tips to prevent baby bottle tooth decay include:

1.    During the day, to calm or comfort your baby, don't give a bottle filled with sugary liquids or milk; instead, give plain water or substitute a pacifier.

2.    At anytime, don't dip your baby's pacifier in sugar, honey, or any sugary liquid.

3.    At bedtime, don't put your baby to bed with a bottle filled with sugary liquids (watered-down fruit juice or milk still increases the risk of decay). Give plain water.

4.    Don't add sugar to your child's food

5.    Use a wet cloth or gauze to wipe your child's teeth and gums after each feeding. This helps remove any bacteria-forming plaque and excess sugar that have built up on the teeth and gums.

6.    Ask your dentist about your baby's fluoride needs. If your drinking water is not fluoridated, fluoride supplements or fluoride treatments may be needed.

Tips for oral health problems in children

1.    A bottle filled with plain water give your baby.

2.    A visit to your dentist is regular for your child's teeth.

3.    You can give a lot of nutritional as well as healthy vegetables and fruits to your children.

4.    Brush your child's teeth by using fluoride toothpaste.

5.    Change your child toothbrush after every 3-4 months is most important.

6.    In your child's meal give a minimum snacks.

7.    You can give fluoridated water to your child's.