Tinnitus Cure - How Drug Medications Perform As a Cure For Tinnitus

Many tinnitus sufferers or patients opt for fast relief by way of muscle relaxants, tranquilizers or anti-depressants. Although drugs provide calming and soothing effects, they only act superficially as tinnitus cures.

The objective in this kind of treatment is to help the sufferer deal with the depressing effect brought about by the constant ringing noise in their ears.

It is considered as superficial since it does not deal in providing tinnitus cure as far as the root cause is concerned. It merely lessens the discomfort by creating a placebo effect.

The latter refers to that state of mind of being convinced that the body is feeling better. There is a prevailing belief in the sufferer's mind that the drug has a curing effect although actual healing has not really taken place.

Taking anti-depressant drugs as tinnitus cure influences the central nervous system since it creates unresponsiveness in the auditory nerves. Hence, the tinnitus sufferer becomes convinced that the ringing sounds he used to hear are actually gone.

However, it is expected that the incessant sounds will resume and cause renewed discomfort to the individual as soon as the effects of the drug medication wears off.

This often leads to drug dependence or at worst addiction since the tinnitus sufferer will seek out his drug medication once the tinnitus sounds resumes.

Those who have an aversion to drugs and its related effects would prefer to resort to other forms of tinnitus cure. Biofeedback, hearing aids or noise-maskers or sound therapy or other forms of therapy that will help the individual ignore the sounds are available as alternative tinnitus cure. The objective attained is the same as that achieved by the drugs, which is to manage stress and its resulting depression.

However it cannot be avoided that there are those who would prefer taking drugs since this require less effort on their part. Hence, the possibility that these individuals may have developed tinnitus disorder due to their tendencies in resorting to self-medication with the use of drugs is not remote.

Even simple medications such as cough relief enhanced with codeine or over-the counter antacids have been pinpointed to cause tinnitus as side-effect of drug overuse.

This does not mean however that all drug medications used as tinnitus cure are harmful but what is referred to here are those that deal with the central nervous system.

A tinnitus sufferer should be aware that the there are drugs prescribed by ear specialists in relation to the treatment of the root cause of the tinnitus disorder.

The difference however is that the healing effects of such drug treatments take longer to achieve if compared to the temporary relief provided by anti-depressants and muscle relaxants.

The bottom line is, the choice of tinnitus cure will depend on the tinnitus sufferer's willingness to undergo the proper treatment that can really heal his tinnitus disorder.