Hearing Loss Prevention and Treatment

The very best way of treating hearing loss is to prevent it in the first place. This can be done by the correct use of ear plugs or other devices that minimise excess noise whether that is from the lawn mower or industrial noise you have to live with every working day. Turning down the volume of music and other canned noise will also contribute to keeping your hearing intact.

Once hearing damage has been sustained the only recourse is to visit an audiologist for a hearing test to determine exactly how much hearing loss there is. There are many good audiologist in Brisbane . An audiologist will be able to find out if both ears are affected or only one ear. If only one ear is has hearing loss then only one hearing aid will be needed.

A hearing test is not difficult and to carry out all the hearing tests in Brisbane with expert advice you need to contact some experienced practitioner. In simply involves sitting in a soundproof booth and listening via headphones for sound signals of various frequency such as high beeps and low beeps. Every time you hear a sound you have to press a button on the box you are holding.

This tells the audiologist that you have heard the sound and a graph is then formed to indicate which sounds you cannot hear. Before taking the test, the patient must go to their GP to ensure all ear wax is removed. This may mean using wax dissolving drops for three days, then having the ears syringed out with warm water to remove any wax build-up.

Once this is done the audiologist can perform the test and if hearing aids are needed he will then fill the ear with a silicon solution that sets in the shape of the ear canal. Also one should first research on best quality hearing aids in Brisbane and then use any. It is removed and sent away to provide a cast to mould the hearing aid, which will then fit your ears exactly. Once the hearing aids are ready you will be trained by the audiologist to fit them and shown how to adjust the sound for the best result. Also at times, if these small equipments give any trouble then, there are many hearing aid repairs in Brisbane done with utmost care so that the patient does not face any other problem.

Hearing aids are wonderful, but like glasses they can never be as good as the real thing, so it is much better to prevent the problem in the first place.