High Blood Pressure And Herbal Cure For Low Blood Pressure And Natural Tonic For Heart And Circulatory System

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension means high pressure (tension) in the artery. Artery are vessels that take blood from the pump heart to every one the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not denote extreme moving worry, although poignant worry and pressure can temporarily add to blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is underneath 120/80; blood pressure flanked by 120/80 and 139/89 is called "pre-hypertension", and a blood pressure of 140/90 or over is careful high.

How is High Blood Pressure measured

It is typically deliberate with a blood pressure cuff located around the limb, which register the pressure in unit called millimeters of Mercury. Blood pressure or BP is denote by two numbers alienated by aslash (/) for paradigm, a reading of 120/80 would denote that 120 millimeters of mercury is the systolic pressure and 80 millimeters of mercury is the diastolic pressure.

Systolic blood pressure, the pinnacle number, represent the pressure in our artery as the heart contracts and eject blood into the flow. Diastolic force, the bottom figure, occurs as the hearts relax next a contraction. It represents the smallest amount pressure to which the arteries are bare.

Causes of High Blood Pressure

a.    Constant kidney disease

b.    Tumors or additional diseases of the adrenal gland

c.    Coarctation of the aorta - A tapering of the aorta that you are natural with that can reason high blood force in your arms

d.    Pregnancy

e.    Use of birth manage pills

f.    Alcohol habit

g.    Thyroid dysfunction

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

a.    Exhaustion or perplexity

b.    Severe annoyance

c.    Chest ache

d.    Uneven heartbeat

e.    Vision evils

f.    Throbbing in your chest, neck, or ears

g.    Difficulty inhalation

h.    Blood in the urine

i.    Thus, high blood pressure frequently is labeled "the silent killer."

j.    People who have high blood pressure usually don't know it until their blood pressure is deliberate.

Treatment of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is treated near the beginning, before it compensation dangerous organs in the body. Increased public consciousness and show programs to notice early, simple hypertension are key to winning treatment. By treat high blood pressure successfully untimely enough, you can considerably reduce the danger of caress, heart attack, and kidney breakdown.

The goal for patients with joint systolic and diastolic hypertension is to reach a blood force of 140/85 mm Hg. Bring the blood pressure down still lower may be attractive in African American patients, and patients with diabetes or constant kidney disease. Though life style changes in pre-hypertensive patients are suitable, it is not well recognized that treatment with medicine of patients with pre-hypertension is helpful.

Some Effective Home Remedies to get relief from High and Low Blood Pressure

a.    Keep clean drinkable water in a copper urn during the night. Drink a glass early on morning.

b.    Take four leaves of aromatic plant and two foliage of Neem (Margosa) and grind them with four spoons of water. Take this ground combination unfilled abdomen with a glass of water.

c.    Eat empty stomach one Papita (Papaya) daily for one month.  Do not take something following this for at slightest two hours.