7 Reasons to Consider Wearing Hearing Aids

1. <b>Hearing Aid Technology has Vastly Increased in Recent Years.</b> Currently over 95% of hearing loss sufferers can benefit from hearing aids. New digital hearing technology like directional microphones, noise cancellation, multiple channels, multiple memories, and telecoils have made it possible to hear more naturally in almost any listening environment.

2. <b>New Hearing Aids are Comfortable.</b> So much so that many forget they are wearing them. Open fit behind-the-ear hearing aids create an "open" feel that is so natural that many patients report forgetting they are wearing the hearing aids. Also, new In-the-ear hearing aids are light-weight and designed specifically for your ear, providing comfort.

3. <b>New Hearing Aids are Nearly Undetectable.</b> Many new hearing aids models like in-the-canal hearing aids, and open fit behind-the-ear hearing aids are hard to detect, making them an attractive option for many. One the biggest roadblocks that keep individuals with hearing loss from purchasing hearing aids is the fear of "looking old." This fear is largely eliminated with new hearing aid models.

4. <b>They Make You Appear Younger.</b> Nothing makes you appear "old" like asking for others to repeat themselves or asking questions that have already been answered in the conversation. Hearing aids allow you to actively participate in conversations again, and can reduce the number of times you have to say "huh?"

5. <b>They Make You Feel Younger.</b> If you've lived very long with hearing loss, then you'll likely feel more in-tune with life and those around you once you try hearing aids. This feeling of connection is important and some patients say it makes them feel younger.

6. <b>They Connect You to the People that Matter Most.</b> Nothing in life is more important than relationships. Helen Keller once said that, if given the choice, she would choose hearing over seeing, because hearing connects you with people. Nothing is sweeter than the whisper of a child or a quiet conversation with someone you love. Hearing aids can help you reconnect with those you love.

7. <b>They Connect You to the Activities You Love. </b> Even simple activities like enjoying a sunset on a patio are negatively affected by hearing loss. The sounds of birds singing, leaves rustling, and insects chirping are usually seriously missed when they are gone. Even casual conversations over dinner at a restaurant can become a real challenge (if not impossible) with hearing loss. The right hearing aids can make some of your favorite activities a reality again.

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