5 Signs You May Need Hearing Aids

Hearing loss affects over 32 million people in the US alone.  Currently hearing aids are the only viable option for treating hearing loss.  Here are five common signs that you might benefit from wearing hearing aids.

  1. You frequently ask people to repeat themselves.  This is often one of the first signs of hearing loss.  Usually family members and friends will notice this before you will.  If a spouse or friend has mentioned that you say "what" a lot, you should take notice.  If more than one person mentions this, then the problems is likely real.
  2. You feel that others are constantly mumbling.A lot of hearing loss patients will complain that others are mumbling all of the time or just not speaking clearly enough.  It's very frustrating when you can't hear what someone is trying to say to you.  If you feel like everyone is mumbling, then the problem is most likely not with their speaking but with your hearing.
  3. Others think you have the volume on you TV or radio turned too high.  This is another early sign of hearing loss.If others in your household are always turning the TV down after coming in to the room or if others frequently asking you why you have the TV so loud, this is a sign that you have hearing loss and might be a good candidate for a hearing device.
  4. You frequently remove yourself from conversations because you can't hear enough to participate.  This is one of the biggest tragedies of hearing loss: dropping out of the conversation.  Relationships are what add purpose, meaning, and fulfillment to our lives.  If you frequently bow out of a conversation or frequently hesitate joining a conversation for fear of not know what is being said, there is likely a problem.  This issue is elevated whenever conversations take place in noisy environments like restaurants.  Most new digital hearing aids can help in noisy environments and can help make speech sounds clearer and more understandable.
  5. You feel like a common noise has just stopped.Many hearing loss patients remember a time when the birds just stopped chirping, or the leaves stopped rustling in the trees.  Rest assured that these noises didn't stop; you've just stopped hearing them.

The best thing to do if you have any of these signs of hearing loss is to schedule a hearing evaluation at a local hearing clinic.  These tests are typically low cost and are more than worth the investment.  A hearing test performed by a trained hearing specialist or audiologist will show you the severity of your hearing loss and will show you how hearing aids might help.

The worst thing to do is to wait.  If you have signs of hearing loss, schedule an evaluation at a clinic in your area today.