Ringing in the Ear - A Few Dangers Revealed!

Have a constant ringing in the ear?This is a symptom known as tinnitus not a disease as some may think. It may be caused by many different reasons, some are insignificant but others can be potentially dangerous to your health. It is up to a qualified physician to determine the cure and origin of the ringing in the ear. Some of the origins of tinnitus are simple and can be dealt with immediately. For example, there may be an excessive build-up of wax inside the inner ear which disturbs its pressure and produces air currents which may make or allows the sounds that only the person can hear.

The symptom of tinnitus can also be caused by allergies which in turn produce congestion and pressure inside the ear which is connected with the sinuses through special ducts. Hence, there also certain medications which can also have the same effect on certain people; some of these medications are antibiotics, antidepressants and sedatives. Fortunately, once the allergies are controlled or the person stops taking these medications the ringing in the ear will gradually disappear.

An extra precaution should be taken if the constant ringing in the ear is a pulsating or drumming sound because it may be dangerous and even fatal for some. The pulsating, is the sound of blood pumping through the veins and arteries in the neck. The drumming beat is produced by the pulse and high blood pressure. It can be a sign of an obstruction or narrowing of a major artery or vein in the neck going to or coming from the brain to the heart or lungs.

The drumming sound heard in tinnitus is the sound of blood flowing at very high pressure levels, which may produce a rupture in the vein or artery which is being affected by this condition. This ringing in the ear can also be a symptom which can be caused by the onset of diabetes, raising blood pressure or thyroid problems. More drastic and dangerous possibilities can be that of a tumor which is pressing against the vein or artery or even a blood clot inside which does not allow normal flow of blood.

In any case, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of tinnitus you should consult your physician as soon as possible so they may determine the origin of this ringing in the ear so it can be corrected and dealt with immediately to avoid greater damage and possibly death.

Stop the Ringing In Ear today and Learn more on Tinnitus symptoms, causes and treatments by visiting: