A Tinnitus Vitamin That Works? Learn The Truth!

Is there a tinnitus vitamin that works?Do expensive supplements actually work, or do they just prey on the desperation on tinnitus sufferers?

I've had tinnitus for over 10 years and have probably tried one hundred different supplements and vitamins in my search for a cure.

During my search, I've learned one very important lesson about anything claiming to be a tinnitus vitamin that cures ringing in the ears:

It's probably just an herbal placebo!

I don't want to name specific products, but nearly every tinnitus vitamin I've tried has actually just been sugar mixed with a few different herbs.

Sometimes these products help and sometimes they are a waste of money. Regardless of their effectiveness, the results never lasted long for me.

I'd have a few days where I didn't notice my tinnitus and then everything would go back to normal:sleepless nights, depression and terrible headaches.

Then I learned one really simple secret about my tinnitus:

My body was trying to tell me something about the causes. I just didn't know how to listen.

With additional research and some experimenting, I found that vitamin C was making my tinnitus worse and vitamin B12 was making it go away (at least partially).

So, I changed my diet and started getting my tinnitus under control.I've found that there is no simple tinnitus vitamin, but when combined with other methods, I can control my tinnitus.

The deep secret is that tinnitus has a range of causes,most of which can be controlled by eliminating certain foods, products and activities from your lifestyle. My advice to all tinnitus sufferers is to stop looking for a magic tinnitus vitamin and start looking for a full course to understand the rooted causes of tinnitus and how to beat it.