Many individuals suffer with ringing ears throughout their lives at some stage. A lot of time this is only a minor irritant which is ignored, however this can elevate into a distracting problems that is hard to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Ringing ears or tinnitus as it is known medically is filled with a bit of mystery over the reasons it happens and how to cure it, however treatment can be given if the right action is performed. Most of the time noise in the ears is just a nuisance that is put up with, but in other cases the noise is a sign of medical conditions that are serious, for example high blood pressure.
Most sufferers of tinnitus hear constant noises like popping, ringing, whirring, or buzzing. A more serious form of tinnitus does not give off the continual noise, but a sound that is a pulsing rhythmic noise that is in sync with the sufferer's heart rhythm. This kind is known as pulsalite tinnitus, this belongs in the group of tinnitus types that can be heard by the medical professional along with the person afflicted. By using the stethoscope on the area of the neck or head around the ears this pulsating sound can be listened to. Pulsatile tinnitus happens when the cholesterol builds up in the person's blood vessels in the brain and neck, which causes disturbances in the blood flow. These disturbances can actually be heard, they should be paid attention to as a warning to the one afflicted, that they need to do something to lower their high blood pressure. Tinnitus of this type is separate from the other kinds, so a person could suffer from more than one type at a time.
High blood pressure better known in medical circles as hypertension, this condition is a bit difficult from the aspects of symptoms. It may not have any symptoms or could have a lot of them. This is the reason why a person along with a doctor should keep watch on their blood pressure. Pulsatile tinnitus is a possible symptom for hypertension, and usually shows up after the person starts on blood pressure medication. This condition usually goes away though about a month to a month and a half after being on the hypertension medication. When it is certain that a specific medication has caused the tinnitus changing to another one can be a relief. Then it has also been reported that this pulsatile tinnitus has disappeared when the particular medication has lowered the person's high blood pressure.
The pulsalite tinnitus can be caused by other things besides regular hypertension though. The intracranial hypertension that is benign can also cause pulsalite tinnitus, this usually occurs in young women who are overweight. It happens as the pressure goes up for the cerebrospinal fluid located in the woman's brain. The most obvious treatment is to lose weight for this problem. Glomus tumor can also bring on the pulsatile tinnitus. These are lumps that are not cancerous located in the blood vessels below or in the ear. These tumors can make the cholesterol build up within the wall of the artery and should be treated by lowering the level of cholesterol in the body. A middle ear infection could be the reason for the pulsalite tinnitus too.
Due to this kind of tinnitus having so many causes, you will find almost as many treatments for it as the number of causes. For this condition it is vital to seek out medical treatment quickly if you suffer this pulsatine tinnitus, or think that the tinnitus you have is due to hypertension. In the event you are taking some medication and suffer side effect notify your doctor at once. Pulsatile tinnitus means you have to wake up and fast.