The Emotional Stress Of The Tinnitus Patients

The ringing within the ear makes one anxious and leads to stress and which results in worsening of the problem, ending in sleeplessness and fatigue thus causing both mental and emotional side effects. These side affects are a part of the disease.

The problem multiplies when a person is not able to understand what tinnitus is and he has not visited a doctor with his problem. It later tends to interfere with one’s normal life, making it difficult to concentrate on his work, to remember or to listen. Thus, making the patient’s normal job ineffective and creating a feeling in him that he is unwanted in the society.

Like any other disease, tinnitus trauma would be the same in the patient starting with a denial, later frustration and anger sets in when the patient comes to understand that there is no cure for the disease. This would lead to depression and the patient would think it’s the end of the road for him and he lives in fear.

Fear leads to dejection in normal life and its affects the career and relationship with the family members. The patient, at some point would think that he had lost all happiness in life due to this. Yet, the best way to cope up with the problem is to understand the disease, by accepting the fact. The real awareness must be created among the tinnitus patients.

Accepting the fact that tinnitus cannot be completely cured does not mean giving up all the fun and enjoyment in one’s life. Involving in relaxing habits reduces the focus on the problem which would allow the body to cope up with the problem and helps in an early recovery. This, there by, reduces the stress and the emotion attached with the problem helping the patient to be calm and live actively.