Chemical Peels - Effective for Acne

Acne is every teenager's nightmare and nothing could be worse than having these scars last even later in life. Acne can leave undesirable scars on the face and back besides being painful when they occur. Topical and oral medicines are usually temporary relievers; they do not stop acne occurrence nor do they remove the scars. Chemical peels are effective and have been tried and tested for successful acne management.

Why Does Acne Occur?

Acne can be caused by more than one underlying reasons. These reasons may be genetic, hormonal or due to external factors. Our skin starts to produce oil in the sebaceous glands. Bacteria act on the oil and metabolize it, which acts as a skin irritant and lead to the hair follicles getting clogged. Debris develops as a result of the clogging which enters the deep layer called dermis. The body reacts and in an effort to remove the foreign debris gives rise to an inflammatory response in the form of acne.

Chemical Peels and Acne

Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peels and Jessner's Peels are used in the treatment of acne. These chemical peels are very effective in overall acne management without being too harsh on young skin. These peels are used to exfoliate the upper layers of the skin and remove the debris and other irritants from the skin. Removal of irritants naturally stops the inflammatory response of the skin and arrests acne breakout. Another advantage of these chemical peels is that they increase the cell turnover thereby improving the skin's appearance and texture. So chemical peels not only reduce acne occurrence but also ensure remarkable skin improvement.

Chemical peels are extremely effective in acne management and visibly reduce the scars left behind by acne even later on. These peels are really wonderful for a smooth glowing skin.