Tinnitus And Stress

Does stress increase and accelerate the intensity (and volume) of tinnitus or does tinnitus accelerate and intensify stress? Both are correct; tinnitus and stress are very much intertwined. Tinnitus stress can be stress caused by tinnitus or tinnitus caused by stress. Stress tinnitus actually means the same thing as tinnitus stress.

If you suffer from tinnitus stress, you probably have noticed that the buzzing, ringing, swooshing or whatever noise is yours, increases when you are mad, under pressure, extremely tired, worried and/or nervous. Therefore, you must have also noted that hearing the buzzing or ringing or pulsating sounds accentuate your anger, tension, tiredness, or worries! These two conditions do go hand-in-hand.

Let's say you have exhausted any physical reason for your tinnitus that can be easily treated. These include but are not limited to drug side effects, head colds, sinus infections, ear wax, too much aspirin, caffeine, alcohol, salt, high or low blood pressure, inner ear damage to name a few. You have ruled out anything life threatening and have seen your doctor concerning an ongoing incessant ringing/buzzing in your ears. You may now find it necessary to take control of your stress in order to decrease the severity of your tinnitus.

As if that were an easy thing to do, you may say! Today's lifestyle in our fast paced world involves stress in most all of our lives be you a stay-at-home mom or dad with all the usual household activities: bills, insurance, taxes, children, homework, activities requiring rushing here, rushing there, or the stressed out working person with deadlines, meetings, quotas to maintain, competition, work scarcity, traffic, plus your home life with all the above mentioned! To have it all aggravated by tinnitus (or is the tinnitus aggravated by the stress?) is enough to make anyone scream!

Stress is normally a good thing and powers up the body "for attack" or to take on the matter at hand. It can result from happy and exciting moments or negative events. But constant stress is wearing on the body and attacks its' weaker points. Some will have back pain, others get headaches, some digestive upsets, and we have increased intensified tinnitus! Whatever part of our body that may be bothering us will become weaker with stress.

Managing stress can reduce the severity of our tinnitus. The many various ways to do this is an entire book in itself. Exercise is one tried and true method, and should be incorporated into our day to day lives for many reasons, including stress reduction. A brisk walk can do wonders for the mind, body, and soul, and most all of us are able to do this, regardless of our physical shape! Many are rewarded with a huge improvement by yoga exercises or quiet meditation at a set time every day. Aerobics and weight exercise routines are great! In fact, any kind of physical activity you enjoy is a plus! In addition to stress reduction, exercise and physical activity improve our mental acuity and our sleep. This, in turn, makes the world seem like a less formidable place, therefore, much less stressful!

Don't forget to set aside private time for yourself to read or indulge in a hobby you enjoy.Consider it part of your health care, which is really is! You may be amazed at the difference exercise and relaxing time can make in your stress level, and therefore your tinnitus!