Tinnitus Cures - Stress And Your Ringing EarsStress is a major contributor to tinnitus. As far as we know, it isn't a direct cause of ringing ears, but it definitely plays a part in how bad your ears ring at any given time. Let's talk about how. Long-term stress contributes to your ringing ears through its effect on your health. Constant stress can weaken your immune system. This leaves you more vulnerable to infections. And infections, particularly in your ears, are known to cause tinnitus. Long-term stress also can cause lack of sleep, poor eating, and depression, all of which also contribute to tinnitus. I've lived in both high-stress and low-stress environments and can vouch for this effect. Short-term stress plays its part too. Have you noticed how when you are really stressed, everything seems to bother you more? You snap at your loved ones, little things suddenly annoy you, you become much more sensitive to everything. You become much more sensitive to your tinnitus too. Although it isn't clear that short-term stress actually increases the volume of your tinnitus, it certainly increases your perception of it and how loud or annoying it seems. So how can you deal with stress and its effects on your tinnitus? There are actually lots of things you can do to reduce your stress levels. I don't have room to cover them all here, but given the way stress can make your tinnitus worse, a variety of stress-reduction techniques must be part of any holistic system to treat and cure tinnitus. |