Finding Your Own tinnitus Relieft

To grasp just how traumatic the sounds of tinnitus can be and to understand the depth of the impact that having a constant ringing in the ears can have in your life, you have to have lived with it yourself. So it is only those of us living with or who have suffered with tinnitus that have any true perception of  its consequence. We and we alone know the destructive frustration that tinnitus invokes in our lives.

The sounds of tinnitus come to lodge in your head without invitation and with every intention of outstaying any welcome. Tinnitus can be likened to a parasite of the auditory senses. It grows with attention and makes itself most apparent when we are most seeking to rest. Untouchable as it is, it reaches out and touches our lives morning, noon and night.

Tinnitus can seem like a child continuously screaming for your attention. However, the same child finding itself ignored when it plays up, eventually settles and quietens down. Tinnitus functions in much the same way. Pay it no heed and its effects will gradually diminish.

The psychological effect of accepting the untruth that there is no cure for tinnitus can be very condemnatory. Being told that this intrusion into your mind and of your peace is immutable can bring on a terrible spiral of stress. The more you listen to the sounds of tinnitus the more you focus on them. The more you focus on them the louder they become. A vicious circle evolves to torment you.

The fact that the causes of tinnitus are at best unclear delivers the reality that there is no acknowledged or absolute cure. There are however some remedies that cure tinnitus for some people. There are those that will get tinnitus relief in one way and some in another. Those accepting the negative view that tinnitus is incurable and then declining to even look at alternative treatments are in consequence condemning themselves to live with the condition and without hope.

Those that take a positive perspective and who are willing to take a chance will start a journey that at worst brings hope and at best a cure. For many that try, the result may only be somewhere between the two. Only those who have endured the nightmare of tinnitus will have any understanding of the joy that even a partial relief from the condition can bring.

Peace of mind and peace in the mind are potentially the reward for those that step out of the box and seek tinnitus liberation . Stress and depression are the self perpetuating nightmare of those that curl up and do nothing. Which one are you?