The Distress of Pulsatile Tinnitus

Pulsatile Tinnitus sufferers have the uncomfortable sensation of clicks, beats and other sounds that are rhythmical, like their own heartbeat. These ringing sounds can in many cases last several hours which is extremely unsettling.

Even lesser periods of a few minutes is very disturbing. What many sufferers don't realize is that it is possible to eliminate Pulsatile Tinnitus. By adopting some changes to their everyday lives the effects of the tinnitus can be reduced almost immediately resulting in a much better quality of life.

The problems of tinnitus are not just related to the ringing in the ears. The condition causes a great deal of stress, sleepless nights, depression and anxiety attacks.

The distress of suffering pulsatile tinnitus adversely affects the lives of many people until they discover how to reduce the unpleasant condition. It is common for doctors to encourage people to take antidepressants for pulsatile tinnitus and the multi national drug companies are pleased again to profit from treating symptoms rather that looking for a cure.

Although the taking of pharmaceuticals can hide some of the nasty effects of tinnitus, in the long run they can often have serious side effects. Like many conditions, tinnitus can occur when something is out of balance in the body. Often it is caused by stress, a poor improper diet or high blood pressure.

Again, like so many other conditions, the best way to cure pulsatile tinnitus is to find out the underlying cause and eliminate that. The longer people suffer from this form of tinnitus the more chance that they will begin to suffer from other related conditions like anxiety, stress and depression.

Loneliness is often another little talked about problem. The constant sounds out on the street or in other public places often force sufferers to stay at home, trying to get some quiet, and after a while depression and loneliness can become another serious health issue.

The various irritating sounds usually come from a change in the blood flow in the neck's arteries. Often sufferers associate the noises with negativity, problems or something bad since they are often are accompanied by an increase in adrenaline.

Over time, these mental associations usually result in more stress and anxiety making life even more difficult. Too often people are conditioned to believe that conventional medicine has all the answers and if their doctor doesn't know what to do, then there mustn't be a cure.