If you have Insurance that covers Rx Drugs, would you need a FREE USA Discount Drug Plan Card?

Hi All! This is Ainsworth Moore, USA Drug Plan Rep! Below are just some ways this drug card be valuable to someone who has insurance that covers Rx Drugs!

(1)Formularies: Insurance companies are increasingly limiting which drugs they will pay for example:Birth Control,Diabetic Supplies,Smoking cessationanddrugsthatthey decide are not cost effective for them.

(2)High deductible plans: Our card program allows you to getdiscounts on Rx Drugsbefore you reach the level at which the insurance company starts paying benefits!

(3)Medicare Part D: Our Rx drugs program can be used to secure discounts on those drugs that areexcludedfromMedicare Part D. It will also provide discounts when a person on Medicare reaches the “coverage gap” often referred to as a "donut hole", which is a period of time during the coverage year when the beneficiary will be responsible for paying all drug costs out-of-pocket, with no help from the plan.

As said earlier, what you see above are just some ways our Discount Drug Card can be valuable! I myself gave away a card to a lady who was in charge of a Senior center and she tried it against her own Insurance and found out that she saved more using ours!

Will the person get a discount every time the card is used?The person using the card will get a discount approximately 96%of the time. The reason it is not 100% of the time is that pharmacies from time to time price certain drugs at cost to attract customers to their stores. In this type of situation our cardholder would get the lowest price.

You may be asking yourself, just how much can one save? Users save between10% - 85%onmost drugs(Brand NameandGeneric)! There areNO Waiting Periodsand NO Pre-existing Exclusions!NO Medications are ExcludedandEveryone Qualifies!NO Claims to Fileand yourEntire household can use it!Instant Activation!Cards NEVER Expire!

Still wondering if you should get our USA Discount Drug Card? Remember the card isFREE, and you never will know if you there is a saving, unless you try it! You can search for pharmacies in your area and also look up prices before you go to the pharmacy!

So what do you have to lose? You guessed it…NOTHING!

You can click HERE and print your own card! Though the information on the card itself is in English, the information can be printed in bothEnglishandSpanish!

If you have any questions, please call me at 816-399-0131!

Thank you all for reading and make it a great day!