An Anti-seizure Medication Known as Lamictal

An epileptic seizure can be described as a passing symptom of "abnormal excessive or synchronous neural activity of the brain" wherein the effects to another person my be terribly wild or as obscure as a short lapse of memory. These recurring motiveless seizures are what you term epilepsy, but one point is that seizures or fits can even happen to a person who is not suffering from epilepsy. This disorder is generally treated with medicines prescribed by the doctor or a neurosurgeon.

Lamictal is a medication that is very commonly used in the treatment of seizures and is usually available at most local pharmacies. Lamictal also known by the name Lamotrigine belongs to a category of medications called phenyltriazine which in fact is in no way related to any prevalent antiepileptic drugs. Studies have proved that when Lamictal is used along with other antiepileptic drugs it efficiently reduces the strength of the seizures and also the frequency with which these seizures take place.

When you start off on a treatment with Lamictal it is vital that you keep in regular touch with your doctor particularly in the earlier months so that he can monitor your condition and lower or hike the dosage accordingly. Though Lamictal is not a prescription medication you would be better advised to take the medication only after you have talked things over with your doctor. The regular consultations with your doctor can help him decide what stand he should take if you happen to experience unexpected and unwanted side effects.

Since the exact reason behind a seizure is not known generally it is presumed that this is a genetically passed down disorder. If you are a person who usually consumes alcohol it would be advisable to be careful w about taking it when you are on Lamictal as this combination can make you extremely drowsy. Though Lamictal cannot cure epilepsy it can very surely help in managing the intensity of a seizure.

Lamictal is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at CanAmerica Global , as you can save a lot of time and money.