Stop Smoking Medications: Do Stop Smoking Medications Have Drawbacks?

Many people try many different things to stop smoking. Many people do not like this habit but still smoke, it is like an addiction. If you are one of those and have tried many methods to quit smoking and no single one has worked for you and you are now going for the smoking medication to overcome this problem, then you must also understand what it is before you take the medication. Speaking of today there are three major medications used to help quit smoking. These are NRT (nicotine replacement therapies), Zyban and Chantix.

But are these three stop smoking medications useful?
Well, the answer to this question can be NO! Let us first check the NRT the nicotine replacement therapies. This was the earliest stop smoking therapies. This method was launched in the early 1970s.

It is a method to stop smoking using a gum. The concept was simple, the smokers liked nicotine in the smoke or the cigarettes, so the plan was to stop smoking not getting rid of nicotine, and they gave a nicotine alternative a gum instead of a cigarette. So the people used those gums instead of cigarettes. So deliver the nicotine in the non smoke form was the plan. Well, this is not good at all. The reason is that the purpose of stop smoking is to get rid of nicotine that is not good for your health. So this method gave a substitute for the nicotine instead of a cigarette. The purpose is to get rid of nicotine addiction which in this case is not achieved at all. NRT do not solve the problem of nicotine addiction itself, rather it only helps in stop smoking.

The second approach to stop smoking by the use of smoking medication is the use of Zyban. It is good to stop smoking, but people that have high blood pressure must be very careful with it, it also has a name wellbutrin. This is the biggest flaw in this smoking medication.

This is the third medication to stop smoking. It is also sold with the name of Champix in Europe. This might be a good stop smoking medication but people do not sue it due to a lot of side effects of this medication. Many people have abandoned it due to the side effects.

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