Beginning Stages Of Genital Warts

Facing a diagnosis of genital warts can be daunting, especially if you don't know much about it. Hearing that it is caused by the incurable HPV, human papilloma virus sounds scary but the fact of the matter is that it is treatable and you can live a normal life. However, how do you know if you are in the beginning stages of genital warts in the first place? Everyone experiences some type of minor itching or burning sensations in the genital area at some point as both men and women get yeast infections and other curable conditions. Therefore, minor irritation caused by genital warts may not cause much of a stir. However, if you do experience some type of irritation or notice a bump or rough patch days or weeks after having sex with a partner, chances are that genital warts may be the culprit.

Genital warts may pop up innocuously with a few bumps or a tiny cluster of bumps in the genital area that may or may not have some color to them. While you can experience the recognizable cauliflower like growth of warts in the genital area, chances are that the beginning stages of genital warts will just look like discolored bumps of flesh or even appear as rough patches of skin. For women with genital warts inside the cervix, these are more difficult to detect and many times are not felt, even during sex. These are often identified when a women sees her gynecologist for a well woman exam and Pap smear. Because HPV is one of the leading causes of cervical cancer, many doctors are cognizant of genital warts and often look for signs of them.

Some people will avoid going to the doctor, even if they believe they exhibit the beginning stages of genital warts. Avoidance is not the thing to practice in this case as early treatment can go a long way toward preventing future outbreaks. In fact, the earlier you treat the beginning stages of genital warts, the more likely that HPV will go dormant which means a lot fewer outbreaks for you.

For the most part, it is a privacy issue when it comes to going to the doctor as people do not like having their "nether regions" examined so closely. Embarrassment should be the last thing holding you back when you are in the beginning stages of genital warts. Think of how embarrassing it will be if you end up having your entire genital area covered in enough warts to play connect the dots. Do yourself a favor as well as your significant other and make that doctor's appointment to verify those beginning stages of genital warts. The quicker the diagnosis, the quicker you will be treated and rid of them.

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