Kissable Lips: How To Cure A Cold Sore

A cold sore can be a huge inconvenience due to the pain, embarrassment caused, and difficulty to get rid of. Cold sores are an extremely common condition due to being highly contagious and are actually caused by the herpes simplex virus, which is currently incurable. Although the virus does not yet have a cure, it is possible to cure a cold sore using both natural remedies and over-the-counter products.

It is best to treat the cold sore at its first sign, since a cold sore can last a week or longer if it is not attended to. Salt water works great at cleaning out the sore, and is especially beneficial if it is located inside or on the corner of your mouth. You can even try rubbing a small amount of salt water on the sore if it is located on the lips, but salt water works best when it is swished around the mouth.

There are various over-the-counter ointments that provide pain relief and promote healing, as well as many prescription medications that require a doctor's visit beforehand. Lysine ointment is very effective in treating cold sores, and can actually reduce the time a cold sore is present by up to 50 percent. It is fairly inexpensive and is available at your local pharmacy, and can diminish the signs of a cold sore in as little as three days.

Regular Chap Stick is also beneficial for those with a cold sore, since it can provide pain relief when applied on a regular basis. It can, however, prevent the cold sore from healing, so it should be cleaned off after about an hour, and a salt water solution should be used to reduce swelling and clean out the sore.

Gilatin is another over-the-counter product that works great at healing cold sores, and is actually intended for healing blisters and other open sores. Because it is a strong ointment, it should only be applied about once every four hours, yet can still reduce swelling and get cure a cold sore in only a matter of days.

There are various home remedies that work just as well as over-the-counter medications, but they actually don't have any side effects. Lemon balm works great at soothing the sore, and also helps to promote overall healing of the sore in a short period of time.

Tea tree oil and tea bags are also great at soothing open sores, and they help to promote cell production, which in return helps new skin form to help heal the sore. Garlic is another home remedy that many use for curing a cold sore, but it can leave one feeling uncomfortable for the first few days. It does have a strong odor and doesn't work at soothing the open sore, but is great for healing and can get rid of a swollen cold sore in only a short period of time.

Cold sores are very contagious, and many find themselves looking for a way to cure their cold sore. Although they can be inconvenient, they can be easily treated in only a matter of days. Even though the virus that causes cold sores is considered incurable, there are many different ways to cure a cold sore, and it can disappear in a matter of only a few days.