Sleep Apnea Pulse Oximeter Introduced by Landon MedicalSleep apnea is a condition that affects millions of Americans. In fact, many Americans don't even know that they have sleep apnea. Some common symptoms of telling whether you have sleep apnea are that you wake up in the morning very tired and sluggish. This could mean that in fact you didn't get enough oxygen during your sleep cycle. Sleep apnea is characterized by a 10 second interval between breaths. The most important thing to do when you suspect you have sleep apnea is to speak with your physician. Your physician will recommend undergoing sleep apnea tests at a special sleep apnea lab. From the results of those tests your physician will be able to determine whether in fact you have sleep apnea. If you do, then you may be required to go to the sleep apnea lab on a regular basis. However this will prove to be very difficult for you as it is hard to leave one's comfort of home and have to sleep in a sleep apnea lab. In response to this, Landon Medical has introduced a new product which essentially brings the sleep apnea lab into your home. The FDA approved Landon Medical PC-68B Sleep Unit Wrist Oximeter provides on spot check measurements of oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin. It monitors SpO2 (percentage of oxygen saturation in the blood) and pulse rate while sleeping or during other daily activities. The PC-68B features a multi-color OLED display along with Perfusion Index, Plethysmograph capabilities, 72 hour data storage and optional data management software for storage onto computers. What is particularly great about this pulse oximeter is that it wraps around your wrist and all of the measurements of your pulse rate and oxygen taken during the night is saved on the oximeter's hard drive. Then, the next morning you simply take your sleep unit oximeter to your physician and he can download that onto his/her computer and analyze the data. |