Angioedema Cures

Angioedema Cures: These treatments/cures fall into several different categories. The categories are easily defined by the kind or type of Angioedema that they are meant to treat. The common types are: Angioedema, Drug Induced Angioedema, Hereditary Angioedema, and Acquired Angioedema.

Treatment : Different types of angioedema (hereditary, acquired or drug induced) require different angioedema cures. Different treatment methods will be effective against the different types of angioedema. Different types have different causes. The treatment must target the cause in order to be effective. This means that proper diagnosis is vital to effective condition management.

When attempting to treat allergic angioedema the allergen should be identified so it can be avoided. Antihistamines and steroid therapy should be used immediately to alleviate the swelling and pain. If an individual is not able to identify the allergen causing the condition they should consult an allergist to determine the allergen.

Drug Induced Angioedema requires an immediate discontinuation of the drug that caused the condition. It also requires possible treatment with additional drugs in order to alleviate symptoms. In some instances drug induced angioedema can be severe and quick to present. This makes fast diagnosis and efficient treatment vital.

Hereditary Angioedema treatment is based on avoidance of the stimuli that resulted in the condition. Proper drug therapy can also be an effective tool. Individuals should be monitored to establish a healthy drug therapy treatment program.

Acquired Angioedema requires proper drug therapy. Any instituted drug therapy should be closely monitored for the presentation of adverse effects.

Summary: Closely monitoring any patient undergoing angioedema treatment is vital to avoid and/or catch any adverse effects. Some adverse effects possible through drug therapy could exacerbate symptoms of the condition.

Working with an experienced allergist will aid individuals in identifying or eliminating allergy based causes for angioedema. Allergists undergo vigorous training resulting in extensive expertise in allergies, asthma and other related conditions. Allergists can work in combination with a family practitioner or other medical professional to determine the best treatment program.