Discovering An Asthma Treatment Alternative

Asthma Treatment Alternative: There are countless options when it comes to asthma treatment alternatives. An effective treatment is one that provides relief from the condition (either immediate or long term). Some patients have a difficult time pinpointing the effective treatments amongst the ineffective treatments.

The best method for ensuring that a patient focuses on effective treatment options rather than options that are simply a waste of time is to access the experience and knowledge of an allergist. They can discuss the possibilities with the patient and outline the basics of the treatment; the positives and negatives. Patients should feel free to ask for advice from their allergist; they hold extensive training in all asthma and allergy related conditions and disorders.

Most undergo traditional treatment in combination with asthma treatment alternatives. Popular asthma treatment alternatives fall into a wide range of services and actions from sublingual serums to breathing exercises. The following alternatives may or may not be a viable alternative for an individual suffering from asthma. Know the options, but discuss them with a medical professional prior to instituting any new treatments.

Treatment: Asthma treatment alternatives:

1. Breathing: breathing exercises can reduce symptoms of asthma in some individuals. They have been known to decrease the amount of medication required to control the asthmatic condition. There are different types of breathing exercises that have been shown to be effective in different cases: Papworth method, Buteyko breathing technique, yoga breathing, etc.

2. Diet: making changes to the diet can aid some asthmatic sufferers in alleviating their condition. Fruits and vegetables are said to increase the health of general lung function as well as boosting the immune system. Some have successfully alleviating their asthmatic symptoms through the increase of Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish and flaxseed, etc.) Omega-3 fatty acids are called healthy oils and are said to reduce inflammation that can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Bad dietary choices for those suffering from asthma include: foods high in saturated fat like red meat and butter, additives and preservatives, high salt foods, food colorings, milk and milk products, artificial sweeteners, etc. These types of foods are said to increase the occurrence and severity of asthma symptoms.

3. Exercise: regular, prolonged exercise strengthens the lungs. And the stronger an individual's lungs are the less likely they are to suffer an asthma attack. They don't have to work as hard to  breathe. Individuals who live in cold weather should consider that cold weather can sometimes trigger symptoms. And individuals who haven't exercised in a while should consider that an abrupt implementation of an exercise regimen should first be discussed with a doctor.

4. Herbal remedies: Herbal remedies can be beneficial. Some medical professionals don't give herbal remedies a lot of credit, but they will also agree that they do no harm. Many of the herbal remedies have been in use for thousands of years: butterbur, ginkgo extract, dried ivy, boswellia serrata, french maritime pine bark extract, tylophora indica, choline, etc.

Summary: One of the most effective asthma treatment alternatives are sublingual immunotherapy programs. They are based around the introduction of small doses or extracts of otherwise harmless allergens. They are placed under the tongue as oral drops and the dose is gradually increased stimulating a natural build up of immunity to the allergen in the individual at hand.