Efficient And Effective Treatment For Macules Caused By Acne

Today there are so many treatments for acne, that almost every case can be resolved. Blackheads or whiteheads, pimples ad deep lumps, such as cysts or nodules, can occur on the face, chest, back or back. Acne appears most often on teenagers, but everybody can be subject to. If acne is not treated in time, it can lead to serious scars or disfiguration.

Acne can affect men and women equally; it starts during the young age and last for five to eleven years. There are also people getting acne for the first time late thirties or even beyond.

Macula is the red spot left by an acne lesion, already healed. It is flat, with defined borders, red or pink. Macules can persist for days after the acne is healed; if many macules are persisting for days or weeks, the face will have an inflamed aspect; this is the reason why the treatment for macules caused by acne is so important.

Popular treatments for macules caused by acne

People spend million dollars for nonprescription acne treatment; they use also special cleansers and soaps. Treatment for macules caused by acne is also time and money consuming; people having chronic acne must treat their scars too. Macules are also known as pseudo-scars; as final stage of a acne lesions, they can persist 6 months, but when it disappears, no trace on it will remain. A popular treatment for macules is regular exfoliation, which can speed up macules healing.

Another treatment for macules caused by acne is to use whitening products. These products can suppress melanin production in the post inflammatory pigmented area. Imbalance in melanin production (melanin is essential to protect skin from the sun effects) can be solved using the appropriate treatment for maculae caused by acne. Whitening products can fade away post inflammatory pigmentation; they are not the right answer to heal acne. The root of the problem is dehydratation. Many whitening products can lighten macules after they occur; the patient must solve the moisture imbalance.

Dermatologists' advice is to obtain first a right balance between oil and moisture in skin, and then fade away the acne scars and macules. If the right balance is not established, the patient will go into a periodically cycle, and the need of treatment for macules caused by acne will be always actual. When the balance is established, the damage can be repair. Post inflammatory pigmentation or macules can be fading away using peel-off masks and scrubs to exfoliate the skin cells already dead and sebum in excess.

It takes long to heal macules or scars, the patients must be carefully following the treatments to avoid the permanent scars. As there are no overnight healings, the patients must not pop acne. Improvements take time; it is also important to eat a well balanced diet and choose an oil-free sunscreen and remember that any acne and scars treatments work by preventing new more painful acne.