New Drugs to Tackle Obesity

Speaking of new drugs for corpulence, the FDA has just approved a new drug against excessive weight problems. It will be available on the market with Meridia as the brand name. Millions of people suffering from obesity and overweight all over the world are so concerned to find that the ideal weight loss solutions. Many diet programs and exercises pertaining to weight loss schemes have been introduced to fight against stigma and dilemma experienced by people with both overweight and obesity. Pharmaceutical companies have also done their part to stop the harmful effects of obesity in inventing new drugs against it.

There are already many prescription and over-the-counter medications available on the market. Orlistat, which is popularly known as Xenical, is one of the many drugs that came out in what promises to help reduce weight in obese individuals. It works as an inhibitor for fat absorption, contrary to what is commonly accepted by many that it is a drug known to inhibit appetite. Once taken, the body reacts by removing 30% of fat and prevent unnecessary of ingested the body to absorb. These fats are eliminated as waste. Side effects of Xenical include stomach discomfort, which makes the user go the toilet more often than usual and many other gastrointestinal disorders. The most alarming problem of prolonged use of Xenical is that it has been linked as a cause of breast cancer among women who used this drug.

Rimonabant is another new drug against obesity that will help obese people managing their weight. Once taken by an obese person, the drug inhibits people need to eat. This drug has been suggested as useful to those who suffer from a metabolic disorder. It is now widely distributed in Europe and is still to enter the pharmaceutical market in the U.S. pending the approval of the Food and Drug Administration.

Speaking of new drugs for obesity, the FDA has just approved a new drug against obesity. It will be available on the market with the brand as Meridia. It will be available on the market as a brand name Meridia. This pill is made of sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. It is also an appetite suppressant, which makes the person feel more complete than he or she actually is. The council, however, because clinical studies of the use of Meridia have shown that it may cause hypertension among users. Side effects include, dry mouth, persistent headaches, stomach aches and difficulty in sleeping.

A new drug against obesity that contains oxyntomodulin contents had to be introduced on the market. Although the body produces naturally oxyntomodulin; a study shows that increasing the hormone curd will need food. In addition, users can easily administer the drug, which has promised not to have side effects.

Obese and overweight people are now spoiled for choice and better options for their weight loss program. The miracle of healing the drug can be optimized if the dosage is strictly followed.