LOVENOX: for preventing harmful blood clots

Lovenox falls under the category of an anticoagulant which helps prevent blood clots by thinning the blood. Deep vein thrombosis, which results in fatal formation of blood clots in the liver, can be prevented by this medicine. Heart attacks and chest pain which are caused due to blood vessel problems can also be treated with this medicine.

The medicine should be taken under strict medical prescription. Using medicines like dextran. Heparin, warfarin, cilostazol, clopidogrel, dipyridamole, prasugrel, ticlopidine, dalteparin, fondaparinux, tinzaparin, argetroban, bivalirudin, lepirudin, alteplase, tencteplase, urokinase, other medicines which increases bleeding risks, aspirin and similar medicines should not be taken during the treatment as it can effect the blood around the brain or spinal cord area.

The medicine should not be taken if the patient is allergic to any ingredient of the medicine, or to enoxaparin, heparin, benzyl alcohol etc. There is an increased tendency for bleeding if the patient has undergone a surgery recently, heart infection, bleeding of parts of digestive system, stroke etc. Continuous bleeding, blood traces in stool, vomit, cough, fainting sensation etc can be signs of excessive bleeding and emergency medical care should be given to the patient.

The medicine is taken as an injection. It should be injected exactly as instructed by the doctor or a medical practitioner. The injection should be taken in a sitting or lying down position. The injection is usually taken on different areas of the stomach, but never on the same spot continuously. All medical and lab appointments should be kept punctually to know the progress of the medical condition. It is unknown as to whether the medicine cause harm to a fetus or a breast-feeding baby. Pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers should talk to their doctor weighing the merits of taking this medicine during such times.

Unusual bleeding from any part of the body, highly sensitive skin, giddiness, breathing problems, concentration problems, heart rate increase, traces of blood in stool or urine, muscle tenderness, unable to move any body part, speech and vision troubles, imbalance, symptoms of allergy etc should avail immediate medical attention. Other side effects include fever, swelling, restlessness, stomach upset etc.

Lovenox is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at CanAmerica Global , as you can save a lot of time and money.