FLOVENT: for trouble-free breathing

A corticosteroid which is used in the treatment of asthma attacks which has been on for a certain period of time works on the air passage by decreasing reactions caused due to allergies. It is not used for sudden recoveries. The medicine might take maximum 14 days to show visible difference. If a change is not observed even after that or if the regular medicines of asthma are not found to have an effect, the doctor should be informed.

The medicine is not recommended to people who are allergic to any ingredient of the medicine or if the patient is allergic to fluticasone, conivaptan, diclofenac, imatinib, isoniazid, clotrimazole, antidepressants, medicines for heart and pressure or AIDS medications. All medical conditions, medicines used, pregnancy, breast feeding etc should be well informed to the doctor to avoid further complications. Children using the medicine should be kept at close watch regarding their growth rate as there is a possibility of the medicine affecting their growth. Doctor's special prescription is required to treat a child below 4 years old to be treated with this medicine. Usage of this medicine for a long period of time increase the risk of osteoporosis if the body lacks regular exercises or if there is a calcium or vitamin deficiency. Smoking and alcohol usage can also increase the risk.

The medicine should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. It is usually in liquid form and is taken in by an inhaler. The medicine is to be stored at room temperature away from heat and moisture. People using this medicine have lesser immunity and so they should take preventive measures of diseases by consulting a doctor.

The most probable side effect that can happen is an allergic reaction and the symptoms of which are troubled breathing, swelling of face or any part of it, hives etc. Medical help should be availed as quickly as possible if any of these conditions are experienced. Other side effects that should seek immediate medical attention are fatigue, highly sensitive skin, tiredness, muscle pain, vision problems, fever, pain in ears, increase of breathing problems etc. Headache, dry mouth, nose or throat, sinusitis, voice change etc can also be the side effects caused due to this medication.

Flovent is a well known drug and at the same time it is widely considered as the best option for most of the strange diseases that you might come along. It is always advised to buy these drugs at CanAmerica Global , as you can save a lot of time and money.